Business Balance Sheet has a number of programs to guide you on a business transition journey.
This is the Founder to Owner transition – F2O.
These programs are targetted at where you are right now in your business. Our goal is to help you “own” your business, not to have your business “own” you.
We believe that this comes from focussing on a number of different areas over time and not always sequentially.
Personal Flow -> Business Flow -> Business Wealth -> Personal Wealth -> Legacy&Contribution
What does this mean? Well in simple terms, it means understanding what drives you and what is your best business self. Leverage that in to your business to create momentum, by doing your best roles and understanding what really drives business success. Drive business profitability leading to greater personal rewards. Choose how to deploy your own succes to leave a legacy and make the contribution back to community and society you desire.
Which one are your ready for?

I’m a business founder and I’m a few years into my journey. I’m starting to realize that to scale my business I’m going to have to think a little bit differently. I’m not sure where to start so interested to learn from another business founder. It’s free anyway so what’s the risk?
Inclusions (self-guided)
- The Founders Dilemma
- Establish a Baseline
- Set Your Business Path
- Get in to Flow

I’m a business founder and my business is hitting its straps. I love it but I hate it at the same time. I read all these stories about these superstar founders who can do it all, but I’m not sure if that’s me. But I’m worried that if I let go, others won’t be able to do it as well as me.
Inclusions (self-guided)
- Transition from in to over
- Insights and decisions
- Get your business to serve you
- Build an ownership system
- Finance and capital
- Insight and oversight

My business is scaling but there is so much to do. None of the consultants I engage seem to really understand me or my business. Have any of them actually built a business themselves before? I want to scale and get ready for an exit down the track, but I don’t know where to start
Inclusions (advisor-guided)
- What is insight?
- Guiding the strategy
- Role of advisory
- Strategic context
- Strategic capacity
- Strategic intent
- Strategic roadmap

My business is ready for the next level. We are starting to get outside interest, and I can see that when it’s time for exit we are going to need a proper board structure. We need a level of independence and insight, but we are still a private company. I want it functional but practical, but all the consultants out there really
Inclusions (advisor-guided)
- What is oversight?
- Guiding the enterprise
- Role of a board
- Enterprise content
- Enterprise capacity
- Enterprise intent
- Enterprise roadmap